Thursday, September 6, 2012

My name is Nicole and I like to eat.

Do you ever find yourself sitting at a restaurant completely angry and unsatisfied because the person you’re dining with ordered something that looks and tastes way better than what you ordered? They think they are being nice by giving you a bite so you can try their delicious meal, but deep down you know they did it just to prove a point that they are far superior at ordering than you are. You never admit it to them, but you’re so jealous of this person’s meal that you sit quietly crossing your fingers in hope that they will suddenly get sick and not want to finish their meal so you can conquer the rest for them. Yea I know it sounds mean, but I think we’ve all been there. My friends seem to feel that way about me. I’m the girl with the best order. I don’t have many skills, but I sure can eat. My friends requested I make a blog about my foodie ways. They don’t ask much of me, so here it is.
My name is Nicole and I like to eat. I don’t know where my food habits came from. Maybe it’s because my last name is Fulmer, which has the part of the word “full” in it, thus implying I should always be full. Maybe it’s because I was the pickiest eater growing up and lived off tuna fish and bologna sandwiches. When you miss out on years of good food and replace it with those two food items, I’m pretty sure that when you “grow up” you have this subconscious desire to make up for lost time by stuffing your face with as much good food as possible.  Regardless the reason, here I am eating my way through the Bay Area and blogging about it.
A few things to note before you read even consider any of my advice: I will never post a negative review because I simply do not waste my time or the calories on eating food that doesn’t taste amazing. Who likes to read about bad food anyways? I am not responsible for any food coma or calorie self-loathies you induce upon yourself from trying out my suggestions. I think its really important to surround yourself with people who wont judge you if you go to Taco Tuesday, eat 6 tacos, and then eat a burrito at midnight the same night. Lastly, calories don't count if you blog about them...


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